GDPR Friendly Client Management Software

Our software is fully GDPR friendly. When you register a Lead or Client, they should set the communication preference by themselves. Any time your client log in to our system and amend / withdraw their concern. Our system will also record the IP address of your client and keep the log for personal data changes.

You should be able to sort the client by communication preference. For an example, if you wish to do a text marketing campaign, you can sort your client by those who given you the preferences by text marketing.

Flick Office

Flick Office

Lead Registration

Lead refers to a person who would be a client to a company in future.

Here, you can keep track of a lead or potential client very easily. It’s a simple form where you can add a lead with just his/her Last name and email address. You have to use individual email address for registering each lead. You can also capture lead contact number, full address, company number,country etc. The option of editing lead will help you editing these details as well very easily.

You can leave admin note and create task for each lead as well.

Flick Office

Client Registration

In Office, you can register a client very easily.

You do not need to fill up a massive form to register a client. It’s a simple form where you can register a client with just client’s Last name and email address. You have to use individual email address for registering each client. You can also capture client contact number, full address, company number, country etc. Client edit option will help you editing these details as well very easily.

You can also leave admin note and create task for each client.

Flick Office

Web Enquiry

Get Web Enquiry directly from your website and convert them into leads.

Flick CRM provides Smart Web Enquiry System. Flick CRM can be connected with your website. Here you can see the list of all Web Enquiries that comes from your website. See if any enquiry is coming from an already existing lead or client, or is it coming from a new person.

You can convert the web enquiries into leads. If any web enquiry comes from an existing client you can view their lead or client profile and also view their past web enquiries from there. You can also mark an enquiry ‘Unread’ to keep them to read later and also delete unimportant enquiries.

Flick Office

Document and Notes

You can upload important files and documents under individual clients or leads.

You can also write notes. You can edit, delete and update notes and attachment files whenever you want. Our software support well known file formats such as .doc, .xl, .jpg, .zip, .png etc.

Flick Office

Create Task

It is very difficult to remember

The date and time of every call or meeting with your client or lead properly. There is even a big probability to forget the appointed tasks sometimes. So, you have to maintain a diary or schedule which is very tiresome. In this business solution, you can create these tasks which will automatically remind you or the assigned person about the task. For instance, if you have to call one of your clients or leads, you can set up the task type to ‘Call’ mentioning the subject title. Then you can assign the admin, manager or staff for this task in a fixed date & time. You can also give a description about the task to the assigned one. Similarly, you can set meeting or other task as task type.

Flick Office

Looking Invoices

You can create and send invoices to all your clients to their email.

Your client can make the payment via PayPal and the system will automatically send him paid invoice. You can also cancel and mark the invoice paid manually when you receive the payment by cash. Also, system will send an automatic payment reminder notice to remind them about due payment.

  •   Create invoice and send it to all your clients
  •   Your client can pay the invoice online via paypal
  •   Cancel or mark the invoice paid manually from the admin panel
  •   System will send an automatic payment reminder notice to remind them about due payment
Flick Office

Marketing Tools

Sort your lead and client list easily and send newsletters to appropriate persons.

Newsletter is a very important part of business. Finding out potential and appropriate clients and sending them suitable Newsletter is very important. It is very stressful and time-consuming to find out the appropriate clients to send any particular newsletter, especially if your client or potential client list is very long. With Flick Office, you can search and sort your client list by different parameters such as: like, name, progress, date, account group and many more. It makes the sorting process very easy and errorless.

Flick Office

Quotation System

Creating Quotation is now easy. Create quotations, send them to clients and also preserve copies.

Many times, we need to send a quotation to a client. Creating quotation can take some of your valuable time and also it is troublesome to keep track of all the quotations. Flick CRM has advanced quotation system. Here you can generate PDF version of the quote and send it to the client by email and also keep track of all the quotations you have created. Every quote should hold your Company Branding or Letterhead and also your E-Signature. You can also duplicate an existing quote and send it to another client easily and save a lot of time and effort. It’s smart and easy.

Flick Office


Divide your tasks, assign them and get them done efficiently.

Flick Office has advanced Team Management System that helps you manage your team easily. You can create Tasks, Sub-tasks, and Check-lists to divide a big or complex work into different steps and parts and assign them to your team members. You can set the same task to multiple team members and also assign multiple tasks to the same member. You can also set reminders and due-dates for different tasks and it will automatically be synchronised with Google Calendar.

Flick Office


Create official letters, send them, duplicate them and also keep copies.

Flick Office offers smart lettering features. You can create and send official letters directly through Flick Office. You can keep the list of all your sent letters, organise them and view them any time. You can also duplicate an existing letter to create a new one or new client easily. It also has pdf conversion system. You can either download the pdf or send it through email throught the attachment.

Flick Office


Keep record of all your incomes and expenses and calculate them easily when needed.

Keeping track of all your companies and their transactions can prove to be very troublesome. Sometimes you may forget about any transaction or make mistake in the calculations, which can bring a negative effect of you company. Flick Office provides Smart Income Statement system. Here, you can create a list of all your companies’ transactions. You can create a list of your companies, create and manage all the categories of your transactions, add and keep track of all your transactions and get the final calculations automatically. You can import bank statements directly under the name of your respective companies. You can filter out your transactions specific to any category or company. You can also download the statement for safekeeping. It’s smart, easy and very efficient.

Flick Office

Billable Items

Create list of all your services and service consumers and get alerts of their due dates.

Keeping track of your company’s billable items or services and your clients’ due dates is not an easy task. It is very easy for miss-management to happen. Flick Office provides a smart and easy system to keep track of all your billable items and the due dates. You can create the categories of your billable items and then add the list of your provided services. You will be alerted a fixed time prior to any due date.

This function can be used for any monthly or yearly services; like, Gas Certificate Renewal or Electric Safety Certificate Renewal, Cleaning services that are paid monthly, Storage service, etc. You can also create invoices directly from here for the billable items for the respective clients. It’s smart and efficient.

Flick Office


Manage your employees easily, keep track of their works to boost company efficiency.

Keeping track of your employees and their working process, time and other details and managing them accordingly is a great way to increase the efficiency of your business. With Flick Office you can now easily keep record of daily working hours of your staff, calculate salary, daily work note, leave applications, monthly staff review, a clear list of working days and holidays, smart filtering to browse the logs and many more to boost your office efficiency.

Flick Office

Billable Items

Create list of all your services and service consumers and get alerts of their due dates.

Keeping track of your company’s billable items or services and your clients’ due dates is not an easy task. It is very easy for miss-management to happen. Flick Office provides a smart and easy system to keep track of all your billable items and the due dates. You can create the categories of your billable items and then add the list of your provided services. You will be alerted a fixed time prior to any due date.

This function can be used for any monthly or yearly services; like, Gas Certificate Renewal or Electric Safety Certificate Renewal, Cleaning services that are paid monthly, Storage service, etc. You can also create invoices directly from here for the billable items for the respective clients. It’s smart and efficient.

Flick Office


Manage your employees easily, keep track of their works to boost company efficiency.

Keeping track of your employees and their working process, time and other details and managing them accordingly is a great way to increase the efficiency of your business. With Flick Office you can now easily keep record of daily working hours of your staff, calculate salary, daily work note, leave applications, monthly staff review, a clear list of working days and holidays, smart filtering to browse the logs and many more to boost your office efficiency.

Flick Office

Compose and Send
Graphical Email to Client/Lead

This function will help you sending graphical email to your client/lead.

You can also include email header and footer. Email header may contain your company logo and footer may contain company address, contact number, website address etc. This will give your email a professional look. You can also use cc and bcc function if you wish to send same email to multiple person.

You can also compose mail with provided default template to save your precious time and send to your client/lead.

Flick Office

Follow-up Mail

You can set follow-up mail

On hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis or any customize date which is sent automatically to your client or lead to give them reminder about your service. For instance, if you send a quote to one of your client or lead, you can also set up a follow up email for weekly one for next four weeks. Even you can create a loop where system will send every week one email for next four weeks and then monthly one email for next 6 month.

You can also on or off the follow-up mail if you do not wish to send any more emails to your client/lead.

Flick Office


You can add new user/staff of your company through first name, last name and email address.

You can also specify the role of the staff of your company through this software.

As well, you can edit or remove the user. The login report (such as IP address, date and time of login) of each user is also shown here. If any of the user / staff leave the company, you can easily forward all his clients including clients task, notes etc to new user/staff.

Flick Office


With role manager you can manage

The role and action of the admin, manager and staff of your company very easily. There are many modules like Dashboard, Lead, Clients, Task, Email, Invoice, Newsletter, Quotation, Template, User and Setup to access. And you can easily control that access power of the employee of your company. Access like view, add, edit and delete operation in the above module is varied from user to user.

Flick Office

Email Template

Here you can create and store graphical email templates.

These templates can be used while composing email for a client/lead. You can also be able to save email template draft which you can use in a regular basic. For example you can set up a template for appointment booking, quotation, agreement draft, direction to your office by bus and train so that you can forward these email to the client/lead after a small modification. This will save your time as well.

You can also create email template or newsletter with your new services and special offer. You can also send this to the client/lead in a regular basic so that your client/lead will always be updated with your services.

Flick Office

Automatic Setup

You can have as much automation as you want.

From automated setup, to welcome emails, to password changes, SMTP setup, logo update, and so on. Flick Office can handle it all. Flick Office is all about integration and automation, bringing together all the services you use into an easy to use combined single interface.

  •   Password Changes
  •   SMTP Setup
  •   Logo Update
Flick Office

To-Do List

Create To-Do List, add reminder and never miss a work.

Flick Office provides advanced To-Do listing function. You can create To-Dos and assign them to your team members. Our To-Do list has verification function; after the assigned member completes the task and mark it completed, assigner will be notified and can verify if it is done. If it is done, the assigner will mark the task completed or if it is not done, the assigner can re-issue the task to the To-Do list. The To-Do list also has reminder and due-date functions which is synchronised with Google Calendar.

Flick Office


Add and sort your deals, then preserve them for future reference.

Deals is a feature of Flick Media which lets you create and preserve different contracts and deals with different clients. You can create multiple deals for the same client. You can save the deal amount, deal description, deal progress, estimate due date of the deal within that respective deal. You can also add notes under and deal to keep track of that respective deal. You can also sort and search for the created deals with the advanced filtering system. With ‘Deals’, dealing is now easy and organising them is even more so.

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